Complete this form to renew a regularly scheduled series such as grand rounds, case review conferences, and tumor boards.
Make sure you are logged into EthosCE before you begin. Your name should appear in the upper right corner if you are logged in.  Logging in before you start this form will allow you stop and return later with your work saved.  If you are not logged in, you will need to complete the form in its entirety and submit the form in order not to lose the data.
As part of our process improvement plan, the OCPD is requesting information on your continuing education regularly scheduled series.  We would like to learn if you intend to renew or sunset your series (grand rounds, tumor boards, M&M, case review conference, etc). Please provide the following information on the status of your regularly schedule series.
Official name of the regularly scheduled series (grand rounds, tumor board, M&M, case review conference, etc.)
Name of the Activity Director
Name of the primary Continuing Education Coordinator
Location: (including address, room name/number)
How would you describe the series to someone who may be interested in participating? What is the educational benefit of attending this series?
Key Words: (3-5 words)
Participants who engage in this educational intervention will be able to:
This series is designed to change: Check all that apply
Please select the competencies this series is designed to address: Check all that apply