Please provide the list of presenters using the File spreadsheet. You are asked to upload the complete spreadsheet below.

Instructions of presentation format descriptions can be found PDF icon here

Please utilize this form to provide a brief abstract of your content per the APA CE requirements.  Thank you.

MCW is required to ensure that instructors include statements that describe the accuracy and utility of the materials presented, the empirical basis of such statements, the limitations of the content being taught, and the severe and the most common risks. Please provide this information in the narrative section below.

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Please provide the name of your presentation. (85 characters maximum)
Upload list of presenters using the presenter form included with this abstract process.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf html pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods xml.
Please upload the lead presenter CV.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt rtf html pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods xml.
Please select the type of presentation (choose one).
Provide the abstract with a maximum of 250 words. The abstract is a description of your session that will be used in the conference program to help participants determine if they wish to attend. A good abstract clearly and concisely summarizes how participants will benefit from attending the session in the context of the scientific base. A great abstract will stimulate a desire to attend by touching on a clinical or education needs and suggesting an engaging teaching style. If you have never written an abstract before, this link may be of assistance.
Per the APA, are your learning objectives: - observable and measurable (i.e., use action verbs that describe measurable behaviors)? - statements that clearly describe what the learner will know or be able to do as a result of having attended an educational program or activity? - focused on the learner? - appropriate in breadth (not too few or too many – e.g., 3-4 objectives for a four-hour program)?sufficient in depth (at the postdoctoral level for psychologists and clearly articulated – e.g., does the whole of the objective make sense and is it appropriate for CE)? fully linked to: (a) the program narrative, (b) adequate references that support content, & (c) are listed on promotional materials?
Time Line: Please provide the planning committee a rough outline of how you plan to utilize the time allotted for this session. (250 word maximum)
Please provide a brief narrative regarding the content of your presentation. MCW is required to ensure that instructors include statements that describe the accuracy and utility of the materials presented, the empirical basis of such statements, the limitations of the content being taught, and the severe and the most common risks. Please include this information here. Include relevant evidence, teaching methods you will employ, and how you plan to promote participation and interaction. (500 word maximum)
Current (e.g., within the past 10 years), relevant references in APA format (Note: peer-reviewed and contemporary scholarship typically refer to journal articles) (at least 3)
I have carefully reviewed my proposal and declare that all identifying information including names of individuals and institutions has been removed.
Please note the IRB status of your project.