Lecture Discussion 104

Richard Brandt-Kreutz, MSW, Kelvie Johnson, MD 

This session presents an innovative and integrated model for teaching family-oriented behavioral pediatrics to family medicine residents. Mental health problems are on the rise among children and adolescents and family medicine physicians are seeing a large percentage of pediatric patients. A variety of promising models exist for integration of primary care with pediatric and behavioral care. The model presented in this session attempts to balance the need for increasing levels of integration while maintaining the time and activities needed for effective resident training.

Blending pediatric and behavioral science curriculum activities, residents see pediatric patients and their families alongside behavioral health and pediatric faculty one half-day per week on their ambulatory pediatrics rotation. Behavioral health faculty is available to address more complex psychosocial issues that arise in the clinic, provide warm handoffs as needed, and provide brief family-oriented behavioral intervention in a follow-up behavior clinic. Residents learn core screening tools as well as simple pediatric behavioral and parenting interventions to address common behavioral pediatric concerns. Learning is reinforced in multiple ways including, brief pre-clinic conferencing with faculty and resident, shadowing the behavioral health faculty in behavior clinic, and during pediatric behavioral didactics. Resident feedback highlights both the effectiveness and challenges for curriculum implementation. Session participants will identify four evidence-based screening tools and learn how to teach residents three evidence-based intervention tools.

Click here for the session evaluation.