Round Table 301F 

Laura Daniels, PhD, Valerie Ross, MS, LMFT  

The second revision to the Family Medicine Milestones (Milestones 2.0) brings both challenges and opportunities to curricular development and resident assessment and evaluation. Compared to the inaugural milestones, Milestones 2.0 places greater emphasis on evaluating residents’ ability to provide patient-centered care. Milestones 2.0 includes stronger language around the expectations for providing care that addresses the biopsychosocial needs of patients and major revisions to the Interpersonal Communication (IPC) Skills and Professionalism sub-competencies. Behavioral faculty often serve as chairs of the Clinical Competency Committee and are seen as the faculty member who has expertise in providing patient-centered care and education and evaluation of IPC skills and professionalism. Thus, behavioral faculty have an opportunity to provide faculty development and optimize resident education, training, and evaluation in these areas of patient care and professional development. The aims of this discussion will be to:1) provide brief education on the significant changes included in the second revision of the Family Medicine Milestones and associated resources,2) learn and share methods for transitioning to the assessment of Milestones 2.0 IPC Skills and Professionalism sub-competencies, and 3) create a space for support and networking for faculty who have roles in overseeing milestone-based assessment and evaluation of patient-centered IPC skills and professionalism.  

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