Poster 314K

Jeffrey Morzinski, PhD, MSW, Robert Schneider, PhD, Melissa DeNomie, PhD, Heather Martens, PsyD, Marie Wolff, PhD 

Street and pedestrian safety are foundational to community and behavioral health. But unsafe and insecure mobility on city streets, sidewalks and pathways limits active lifestyles and disproportionately impacts women and people of color. These limits are associated with lung, circulatory, metabolic and mental illnesses.  Street and pedestrian safety are often unaddressed in primary care training curricula on behavioral assessment or care planning.  Therefore, this poster will describe an instructional plan for a behavioral science-guided training module titled “Safe Healthy Streets”, designed by a family medicine-led, cross-disciplinary team, aimed at developing faculty and resident skills in assessment, care planning and advocacy. We illustrate the module by describing the content for an urban, family medicine residency program located within our large, midwestern metropolitan community.  The training module is composed of three main elements 1) community “stories and statistics” about local crashes, crosswalk, bike and pedestrian safety, 2) risk assessment, including clinical interview questions that bring street and pedestrian safety and risks into focus, and 3) “steps for safe action”, ranging from steps the patient-care team can adopt to promote safe streets and sidewalks, to system-level actions for program-wide consideration. Included is a recommended evaluation plan to assess module outcomes.  

Click here for the session evaluation.