Special Session 315

Kathryn Fraser, PhD, Kristen Hood Watson, MD, Jeff Ring, PhD, Moderated by Hernan Barenboim, PhD, LMFT

In the wake of all that we have experienced as behavioral science educators in the age of COVID, we have also been called upon to address the “racial pandemic” that has been layered on top of it.  Although racism and expressions of outrage against it have been in existence for a long time, there has currently been a resurgence in anger, frustration and intolerance for longstanding inequities. Behavioral science faculty often witness and are charged with addressing deep pain and suffering that accompanies acute and chronic cultural stress, including the dehumanizing scourge of endemic racism.  With such high anxiety over COVID already affecting us, what is our responsibility in handling the responses to racial injustice that we see in our learners, staff and patients?  This panel presentation will be a highly interactive conversation to explore our responsibilities as teachers, healers and social justice advocates in the face of racism, marginalization, and unequal treatment.  Panel members will share stories of experiences addressing this topic with various audiences, and participants will be encouraged to do the same.  The session will wrap up with a collection of tips, strategies and suggestions on how to accomplish our goals and also how to practice self-care in order to be able to continue this work.  

Click here for the session evaluation.