Please take a few moments to complete this evaluation form. Thank you. 1 Start 2 Complete Why did you attend this session? Select all that apply: To fulfill a personal learning objective Department attendance requirement To exchange information with other health professionals (e.g. a colleague) To address a clinical question (problem) regarding a specific patient This session met the stated objectives * This session met the stated objectives Yes No Speaker The speaker’s level of expertise regarding content presented was Poor Adequate Good Very Good Excellent The speaker provided: (check all that apply) Adequate information Well organized information Other... The speaker provided: Other... Impact What is the impact of this information on you or your practice? I learned something new This information confirmed I did (am doing) the right thing Other... Impact Other... Patient Did you (will you) use this information for a specific patient? Yes No If so, If Yes, please check all that apply As a result of this information I will manage this patient differently I had several options for this patient and I will use this information to justify a choice I will use this information in a discussion with this patient, or with other health professionals about this patient Commercial Bias This information was free of commercial bias Yes No If no, If no, please explain Comments on the presentation: Comments on the presentation: Leave this field blank