Resource Description:

Where to Find the Resource:

Who has Access to the Resource:

 MS OneNote Notebook is a collection of information used for accreditation compliance


MS Collection of Apps 

CE Coordinator
Department Administrator
Activity Director

 Coordinator's Corner is a private group in EthosCE for individuals to stay informed and grow in CME knowledge

EthosCE User Profile (
My Account
Learning Group 


CE Coordinator

MCW InfoScope is limited to internal employees and has a scaled down version of resources

OCPD Intranet Site

MCW Employees (Internal Use Only)

Training Modules is an instructional guide used to teach and learn step-by-step CME Procedures

EthosCE Coordinator's Corner

CE Coordinator

OCPD Office Staff are trained professionals committed to assisting with planning and implementation of quality continuing education programs
Research Park
10000 Innovation Drive, Suite 125
(414) 955-4900

Accessible to Everyone