Nurse Practitioner CE


In addition to the CE application, please provide the information below for Nurse Practitioner Contact Hours:

  • Post-test questions, for all enduring programs: (if applicable)
  • Copies of the speaker/faculty bio-sketches and financial disclosures
  • Planner disclosures
  • Resolution of Conflicts of Interests
  • Copies of any advertisements/announcements about the programs
  • If there were any co-providers, please include a statement defining that relationship


1 Start 2 Complete
For each learning objective, provide a summary of content, the time allotted and the teaching method(s) used. Example: Given a health child, list he routine vaccines for a two year old that are currently recommended by the CDC.
Example: Discussion of vaccinations and vaccine efficacy along with a review of the evidence.
Example: Minutes Per Learning Objective (ex: 10 minutes)
Example: Didactic Lectures, Case Review