1 Why did you attend this session? To fulfill a personal learning objective To satisfy curiosity for personal interest To review something I had forgotten To share information with a patient, their family, or home health aides To exchange information with other health professionals (e.g., a colleague) To manage aspects of patient care with my care team To address a clinical question (problem) regarding a specific patient 2 Did the information presented satisfy the stated learning objectives? Yes No 3.John Charlson provided: Well organized information Adequate information Insufficient information Too much technical information Other: 3.John Charlson provided: Other: 4. Steve Malcom provided: Well organized information Adequate information Insufficient information Too much technical information Other: 4. Steve Malcom provided: Other: 5. Jessica Molinaro provided: Well organized information Adequate information Insufficient information Too much technical information Other: 5. Jessica Molinaro provided: Other: 6. Marloe Esch provided: Well organized information Adequate information Insufficient information Too much technical information Other: 6. Marloe Esch provided: Other: 7. Ann Maguire provided: Well organized information Adequate information Insufficient information Too much technical information Other: 7. Ann Maguire provided: Other: 8. Walter Woznick provided: Well organized information Adequate information Insufficient information Too much technical information Other: 8. Walter Woznick provided: Other: 9. Sherry Ann Brown provided: Well organized information Adequate information Insufficient information Too much technical information Other: 9. Sherry Ann Brown provided: Other: 10. What is the impact of this information on you or your practice? I learned something new This information confirmed I did (am doing) the right thing I am reassured I am reminded of something I already knew I am dissatisfied This information has no immediate impact on my practice 11. This information was free of commercial bias. Yes No 12. My experience caring for cancer survivors is: Extensive Moderate Limited Haven't taken care of cancer survivors Other: 12. My experience caring for cancer survivors is: Other: 13. Prior to this program, my confidence dealing with cancer survivorship issues was: Very Confident Moderately Confident Not Confident Other: 13. Prior to this program, my confidence dealing with cancer survivorship issues was: Other: 14. This education program: Improved my confidence about cancer survivorship care Had no impact on my confidence level Reduced my confidence caring for cancer survivors Other: 14. This education program: Other: 15. Which of the following topics would you like to learn about in future sessions (you may select multiple): Cancer screening Specific cancers and treatments (e.g. breast cancer, colon cancer) Chemotherapy Radiation therapy Lifestyle modification after cancer treatment Diet Social work issues related to cancer treatment; financial resources Fertility impact of treatment/fertility preservation Onco-nephrology Other: 15. Which of the following topics would you like to learn about in future sessions (you may select multiple): Other: 16 Comments on this program: Are there other topics you would like to learn about in future sessions? Leave this field blank