Program Description: 

This conference consists of fellows in Gastroenterology presenting real cases to the gastroenterology department and any other medical health professionals in attendance. The case is presented in standard format-chief complaint, history of present illness, medical/surgical/social history, physical exam, and lab/radiologic data. A differential diagnosis is discussed. Further test results are management is discussed followed by the outcome. There is ample opportunity for question and discussion regarding the case from the audience at any time. Finally, the fellow presents a brief literature review of some aspect of each case. Each presentation takes about 15 minutes with some discussion time, so 3 cases are presented in this one hour conference. Once a month, instead of this format, we a have a ‘Foregut Forum” where cases specific to foregut GI pathology are presented. The Foregut Forum is led by our GI department but includes the departments of bariatric surgery thoracic surgery, who also present cases.

ACCME Accreditation Statement:
The Medical College of Wisconsin is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
AMA Credit Designation:
The Medical College of Wisconsin designates this Live activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) ™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Hours of Participation for Allied Health Professionals:
The Medical College of Wisconsin designates this activity for up to 1.0 hours of participation for continuing education for allied health professionals.
Target audience: 
  • Gastroenterologists
  • Bariatric Surgeons
  • Thoracic Surgeons
Learning objectives: 

At the conclusion of this activity, I will be able to:

  • Present clinical problems in contemporary GI practices through informative teaching, case presentations, and small group discussion
  • Discuss issues in GI to promote conversation about prevalent matters
  • Describe ongoing research within GI division which will foster new research ideas and impact patient care
Faculty & credentials: 
Planning Committee:
Benson Massey, MD
Professor of Medicine
Director, Manometry Laboratory
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Medical College of Wisconsin
Abdul Khan, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Medical College of Wisconsin
Adam Schiro
Christopher Stanke
Alexandra Modiri

All persons in control of content have NO relevant financial relationships to disclose except the following:


All persons in control of content have NO relevant financial relationships to disclose with the exception of the following and in accordance with the ACCME® standards for Commercial Support Number 6, these relationships were reviewed via the MCW conflict of interest resolution process and resolved.



Rebecca Gosa
Phone number: 
+1 (414) 955-6858
Session date: 
03/02/2015 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm CST
Dean Roe Auditorium
9200 W. Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226
United States
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
    AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
  • 1.00 Hours of Participation
    Hours of Participation credit.

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