WEBCAST Updates on Hematologic Malignancies: New Targeted Conditioning Regimens
This CME-certified activity Updates on Hematologic Malignancies: New Targeted Conditioning Regimens, will provide focused instruction to healthcare professionals caring for patients with MDS, AML, and ALL. The activity is designed to address clinical practice gaps as identified by our expert faculty and the published literature. The activity will focus on increasing clinician knowledge and the ability to integrate changes into practice to improve patient outcomes. The program will highlight current limitations in the standard of care for patients with MDS, AML, and ALL, current NCCN clinical guidelines, new research discoveries and pharmacologic agents, and current research demonstrating improved treatment outcomes for high-risk patients with relapsed disease or difficult-to-treat cytogenetics. Topics for presentation will include: proper selection of dose intensity for chemotherapeutic options in MDS and AML, conditioning regimens for ALL prior to HSCT, and improvements in clinical outcomes for new and emerging targeted-conditioning regimens.
Target Audience
The intended audience for this activity is hematologists, oncologists, bone marrow transplant specialists, and other health care professionals who provide care for patients with hematologic malignancies.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this educational activity, participants should be better able to:
- Define the cytogenetic and biological disease characteristics of hematologic malignancies (MDS, AML, ALL) that inform the appropriate selection of available treatment options and HSCT for high-risk patients
- Explain the NCCN and other expert guidelines for the management of MDS, AML, and ALL in high-risk patients with advanced age, comorbidities, relapsed disease, and particular genetic mutations
- Identify the currently recommended conditioning regimens, toxicities, support strategies and associated outcomes for patients with hematologic malignancies (MDS, AML, ALL)
- Discuss the safety and efficacy data of emerging conditioning agents for hematologic malignancies, including refractory/relapsed MDS, AML, and ALL, and their potential for enhanced clinical outcomes
Faculty and Planner Disclosures
In accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education’s Standards for Commercial Support, all CME providers are required to disclose to the activity audience the relevant financial relationships of the planners, teachers, and authors involved in the development of CME content. An individual has a relevant financial relationship if he or she has a financial relationship in any amount occurring in the last 12 months with a commercial interest whose products or services are discussed in the CME activity content over which the individual has control. Relationship information appears below:
Sergio A. Giralt, MD discloses that he has been on the Advisory Board for Amgen, Celgene, and Takeda. He also was a speaker for Actinium, Jazz, and Sanofi.
David I. Marks, MBBS, PhD discloses that he has been on the Advisory Board for Amgen and Pfizer. He also was a consultant and speaker for Amgen and Pfizer. He also has done research for Celgene.
Bart L. Scott, MD discloses that he has been a speaker for Actinium, Agios, Alexion, Celgene, and Novartis.
The Medical College of Wisconsin, Carden Jennings Publishing, and HealthmattersCME report the following relationship(s): No relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Unlabeled and Investigational Usage
The audience is advised that this continuing education activity may contain references to unlabeled uses of FDA-approved products or to products not approved by the FDA for use in the United States. The faculty members have been made aware of their obligation to disclose such usage.
The material presented at or in any Medical College of Wisconsin, HealthmattersCME, or Carden Jennnings Publishing Company, Ltd, continuing education activity does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Medical College of Wisconsin, or HealthmattersCME, or Carden Jennnings Publishing. Neither Medical College of Wisconsin, or HealthmattersCME, or Carden Jennnings Publishing, nor the faculty endorse or recommend any techniques, commercial products, or manufacturers. The faculty/authors may discuss the use of materials and/or products that have not yet been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. All readers and continuing education participants should verify all information before treating patients or utilizing any product.
Available Credit
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
- 1.00 Hours of ParticipationHours of Participation credit.
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