National Marrow Donor Program Webinar Series
Addressing clinical challenges in AML to optimize treatment plans
In this three-webinar series, panelists will use case studies to present the latest research on three key areas affecting clinical decision-making for patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML): risk stratification using patient cytogenetic and molecular markers, optimal timing of treatments for patients in first remission, and exploring treatment options for older patients.
Each webinar covers one of the three key areas. Register for all three webinars, or select the ones that fit your schedule.
Hours of Participation for Allied Health Care Professionals
The Medical College of Wisconsin designates this activity for up to 3 hours of participation for continuing education for allied health professionals.
If you have any questions regarding this activity, contact Nicole Heino, continuing education manager, Education and Training, NMDP/Be The Match at (800) 526-7809 ext. 4811, or email