This conference is about providing different perspectives for approaching the diseases providers deal with every day. The journal club provides evidence based data that clinicians need to select the correct test or treatment for their patients. The case presentations give the audience the chance to watch a case unfold step by step and contemplate how they themselves would have managed it. The research focuses on topics and ongoing projects prevalent to division and fosters new ideas.Lack of advanced and updated knowledge of clinical problems in contemporary gastroenterology.
- Gastroenterologists or Physicians in related fields
- Physician Assistants in Gastroenterology or related fields
At the conclusion of this activity, I will be able to:
- Discuss current GI research projects and how the findings impact patient care.
- Explain current GI practices through journal review and small group discussions.
- Analyze research methods and approaches to difficulties encountered during the research process as well as provide ideas on how to overcome these.
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Medical College of Wisconsin
All persons in control of content have NO relevant financial relationships to disclose except the following:
All persons in control of content have NO relevant financial relationships to disclose with the exception of the following and in accordance with the ACCME® standards for Commercial Support Number 6, these relationships were reviewed via the MCW conflict of interest resolution process and resolved.
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
- 1.00 Hours of ParticipationHours of Participation credit.