Effective June 14, 2016 this conference is no longer accredited for continuing medical education. If you have questions or concerns please contact Dana Eick at 414-805-8770 or by email at [email protected].
Our Tuesday morning case conference is designed to enhance communication between all faculty on the Trauma/Acute Care Surgery services. We use the conference to review our treatment approaches to various clinical problems and come to a consensus on how patients should be managed.
Physicians, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, General Surgery residents
- Understand how we approach various clinical problems.
- Develop consensus on how to treat the clinical problems our patient’s experience.
- Keep current on changing aspects/new approaches to surgical problems.
- Identify cases that need further review by our Performance Improvement Program.
Marshall Beckman, MD
Thomas Carver, MD
Lucia Chou, MD
Panna Codner, MD
Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD
Chris Dodgion, MD
Jeremy Juern, MD
David Milia, MD
Todd Neideen, MD
Jasmeet Paul, MD
Lewis Somberg, MD
Travis Webb, MD
John Weigelt, MD
All persons in control of content have NO relevant financial relationships to disclose.