2021 Virtual Door County Summer Institute
Sponsored by The Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine and supported in part by a grant from The Door Country Medical Center
Target Audience
- Physicians
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Therapists
Friday, July 23rd, 2021
Session 1: 9:00 am-12:15 pm
Russell Barkley, PhD
ADHD in Adults: Nature, Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management
Bio Sketch:
Russell Barkley, PhD, is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, VA. He is board certified in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, and Clinical Neuropsychology. Dr. Barkley is a scientist, educator, and practitioner who has published 25 books, rating scales, and clinical manuals numbering over 40 editions, and creator of 7 award winning professional videos. He has also published more than 300 scientific articles and book chapters related to the nature, assessment, and treatment of ADHD and related disorders. He has received numerous awards for his lifetime achievements, contributions to research and clinical practice, and the dissemination of science.
Course Description:
ADHD is recognized as a relatively common disorder of adults, affecting 4-5 percent of the adult population and accounts for an increasing number of referrals to mental health and family medicine practices. The disorder has a pervasive impact on most domains of daily life activities, including occupational, educational, and social functioning, and health-related behavior. It is therefore imperative that mental health, medical, and adult educational professionals have as much up-to-date knowledge of this disorder and its treatment as possible. This program will provide current information on the nature, diagnosis, assessment, comorbid disorders, and adaptive impairments occurring in adults with ADHD. Dr. Barkley will provide guidance on the diagnosis and assessment of ADHD and the need for clinical judgment beyond just employing a DSM-5 algorithm. He will also describe the most effective treatment strategies focusing on counseling, medications, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and educational and workplace accommodations.
Participants will be able to:
- List the primary characteristics of ADHD in adults
- Discuss issues involved in evaluating ADHD and adjustments required to the DSM-5 for adults
- Assess issues that arise in the clinical assessment and diagnosis of the disorder and how best to address them
- Explain the theory of ADHD as a disorder of executive functioning and self-regulation and the implications for management
Friday, July 23rd, 2021
Session 2: 1:30 pm – 5:15 pm
Francis G. Lu, MD, DLFAPA
Exploring Spiritual Development in the Face of Death through the Mindful Viewing of Films
Bio Sketch:
Francis G. Lu, MD, is the Luke & Grace Kim Professor in Cultural Psychiatry, Emeritus, at the University of California, Davis. As a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Dr. Lu has contributed to the areas of cultural psychiatry including the interface with religion/spirituality, psychiatric education, diversity/inclusion, mental health equity, and psychiatry/film. He has presented at every APA Annual Meeting since 1984. He was awarded APA Special Presidential Commendations in both 2002 and 2016 for his contributions to cultural psychiatry. He has received Distinguished Service Awards from the APA in 2020 and the American College of Psychiatrists in 2021 and Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Association for Academic Psychiatry in 2008, and the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture in 2020. He has led or co-led 36 film seminars at Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA and 7 at DCSI since 2013.
Course Description:
This session is divided into two segments. Participants will watch film clips from the films Titanic and Ikiru where inspiring characters show spiritual development in the face of death. Through these mindfulness viewing experiences, the aim is to renew these same qualities in the lives of the participants and in our work with patients
“The Night Sea Journey of Titanic”
While the 1997 film Titanic recreates the setting of the historic 1912 tragedy of a night sea journey, the director James Cameron hoped that a remembered love story would serve as “a kind of emotional lightning rod, if you will, allowing viewers to invest their mind and their hearts to make history come alive again.” He has more than succeeded in telling an extraordinary love story that can be viewed as a psychological night sea journey-- a watery initiation of anima development-- of the heroine Rose Calvert. This presentation will utilize film clips and a brief self-reflective exercise to help participants trace how her lover Jack Dawson catalyzed Rose’s spiritual development as C. G. Jung described as anima development. Finally, the contemporary framing story of the elder Rose’s remembered love stimulated by found objects on the ship (comb, mirror, and a drawing of her) exemplifies the process by which the anima develops fully to the wisdom of Sophia.
“Spiritual Transformations Through an Encounter with Death: A Study of Akira Kurosawa’s Ikiru”
Akira Kurosawa’s film 1952 Ikiru (the intransitive verb ‘‘to live’’ in Japanese) presents the viewer with a seeming paradox: a heightened awareness of one’s mortality can lead to living a more authentic and meaningful life. While confronting the four existential issues of death, meaninglessness, isolation, and freedom discussed by Irvin Yalom in his 1980 book “Existential Psychotherapy,” our hero Kanji Watanabe, an elderly civil servant who heads up the “Citizen’s Section” at city hall, traces the path of the Hero’s Journey as described by the mythologist Joseph Campbell. Toyo, a young woman from the office, enlivens and inspires Watanabe through her energy and enthusiasm for life. She is an anima figure that catalyzes his transformation of discovering his agency and freedom. Simultaneous to this outward arc of the Hero’s Journey, Watanabe experiences an inward arc of transformation of consciousness taking him from the individual persona to ego, then to the self, and finally to the transpersonal.
Through this Medical Humanities film experience, participants will be able to:
- Identify how characters experience spiritual transformation in the face of disaster and death to identify these spiritual potentialities in themselves and in patients.
- View films from a mindfulness perspective in which inspiring characters embody compassion, love, courage, and wisdom to renew these qualities in their lives.
- Discuss the essential role of developing compassion, love, courage, and wisdom for spiritual development.
- Employ methods to help patients view films mindfully for the purpose of renewing these qualities in their lives.
Friday July 30th, 2021
Session 3: 9:00 am-12:15 pm
Donald Meichenbaum, PhD
Improving client outcomes and long-lasting behavioral changes
Bio Sketch:
Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D. is Distinguished Professor Emeritus from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada from which he took early retirement 25 years ago. He is presently the Research Director of the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention in Miami. (Please visit www.melissainstitute.org to view his many papers). He is one of the founders of Cognitive behavior therapy and in a survey of clinicians he was voted " one of the ten most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century." He was Honorary President of the Canadian Psychological Association and he has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Clinical Division of the American Association. He has presented workshops in all 50 U.S. States and internationally. He has published extensively (see roadmaptoresilience.wordpress.com). Dr Meichenbaum has just celebrated his 81st birthday and he will reflect on his long career and share his observations on what clinical activities lead to more effective treatment outcomes.
Course Description:
Participants will be able to:
- Critique the " state of the art "of psychotherapy and learn how to spot HYPE in the field of psychotherapy
- Implement the Core tasks of psychotherapy that contribute to more effective and long-lasting treatment outcomes
- Employ a Case Conceptualization Model of risk and protective factors that informs both assessment and treatment decision-making
- Employ a strengths-based Constructive Narrative integrative treatment approach to address the needs of patients with co-occurring disorders
Friday July 30th, 2021
Session 4: 1:30 pm-4:45 pm
David Katzelnick, MD, & Ronald Diamond, MD
Partnering with patients in increasing the effectiveness of the care you deliver and that they receive:
Ronald Diamond, MD: Social Aspects of Prescribing Medicine
David Katzelnick, MD: How to Empower Your Patients to be Active Partners in Managing Their Care
Bio Sketches:
David Katzelnick, MD, was Co-Chair of the Division of Integrated Behavioral Health and Professor of Psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic. His major clinical and research interests are mood and anxiety disorders and dissemination of effective treatments in primary care. He has been principal investigator for a number of retrospective and prospective randomized trials. He has lectured extensively on mood and anxiety disorders and ways to improve treatment of mental disorders in real world settings.
Ronald J Diamond M.D. is Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin Dept of Psychiatry. For more than 45 years, he has been involved in the community-based treatment of persons with severe and persistent mental illness. He has been interested in how to integrate concepts of recovery and cultural competence into day-to-day clinical practice. He is now working at the University Wisconsin the collaborative primary care project which seeks to increase the effectiveness of mental health care already being provided in primary care clinics.
Course Description:
This workshop will discuss ways that medication can be used more effectively to help people work towards their own goals. A medication trial starts with a clear understanding of the patient’s perception of the problem that is hoped might be helped by medication. It must include developing a shared understanding of what is meant by “getting better” and how a medication can help achieve this goal. And it will include a discussion of Measurement-Based Care, an approach that can empower patients by making it possible for them to track their targeted symptoms, side effects and quality of life at visits and between visits. This will help patients and their families actively work with you to optimize their care. This information can be used to make decisions about what treatments to start, when to make modifications and once remission is reached how to avoid relapse.
Participants will be able to:
- Connect and collaborate better with patients over a shared understanding of the problem that brought them into treatment
- Better establish the role of medication as part of the solution to this problem
- Acquire skills to target symptoms and side effects and quality of life through measurement-based care to help both patients and prescribers optimize the care.
- Decide how to modify treatment after remission
Friday, August 6th, 2021
Session 5: 9:00 am-12:15 pm
Fred Heide, PhD
Acceptance Commitment Therapy: An Overview
Bio Sketch:
Frederick J. Heide, Ph.D. is Adjunct Professor at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University in the San Francisco Bay Area. There he was a member of the core faculty for 37 years and won both the Master Teacher and Teacher of the Year Awards. He earned his doctorate in clinical psychology from Pennsylvania State University in 1981 and has presented at MCW’s Door County Summer Institute for 22 seasons. Dr. Heide received the Outstanding Research Contribution Award from the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy (AABT) for his work on relaxation-induced anxiety and has published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Psychophysiology, Mindfulness, Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, Behavior Research and Therapy, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training and elsewhere. He served as associate editor of the APA online journal PsycCRITIQUES and is co-founder of and performer for over four decades with Door County’s Northern Sky Theater, which was 2012 recipient of the Wisconsin Governor’s Award for Arts, Culture and Heritage. There he has co-authored 20 shows including Packer Fans from Outer Space and Belgians in Heaven (both with Lee Becker and James Kaplan), as well as the deer-hunting musical Guys & Does (with Lee Becker and Paul Libman). Dr. Heide has taught acceptance and commitment therapy for a decade.
Course Description:
An exciting development in contemporary clinical psychology is the exponential rise of an evidence-based approach called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Based in learning theory, ACT bears remarkable similarity to Eastern philosophy in its emphasis on staying in the present, pursuing valued action, and abandoning the struggle to eliminate problematic thoughts and emotions. In outcome studies, ACT has generally been found to be either equivalent to or more effective than traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy in its impact on adult clinical disorders ranging from depression to psychosis. This workshop will offer a brief overview of ACT including its major concepts (e.g., psychological flexibility, experiential avoidance, cognitive defusion). We will talk about how it overlaps with other contextual therapies and spiritual philosophies, describe some of its most commonly used therapeutic techniques, and provide an update on its empirical status. Improv exercises will NOT be part of this year’s session.
Participants will be able to:
- Describe basic theory of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) including the assumption of destructive normality, as well as tracing the origins of human suffering to cognitive fusion with symbolic language systems and experiential avoidance
- Identify core features of contextual behavior therapies and how they relate to ACT
- List major ACT processes and the Hexaflex: Contact with present moment, acceptance, defusion, self-as-context, values, committed action
- Review what psychological flexibility means and why it can be helpful
Friday, August 6th, 2021
Session 6: 9:00 am-12:15 pm
Session 7: 1:30 pm-4:45 pm
Please note: These two separate sessions require separate registrations.
Rebecca Anderson, PhD
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Ethics for Mental Health Professionals: Ethics Workshops- Part 1 & 2
Bio Sketch:
Rebecca Anderson, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Director of Integrated Mental Health in Pain Management Center at MCW. She is the author of over 70 peer reviewed articles, 6 book chapters, and 2 books. She serves as Secretary of the WI Examining Board and is currently a board member of WPA. Clinically she is a member of a comprehensive pain management program which encompasses musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain, and headaches working with Anesthesia, Neurology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation teams. She utilizes CBT, mindfulness, use of apps, imagery recordings, and biofeedback as part of an integrated approach to address adjustment and improve function and quality of life for patients.
Course Description:
This seminar will cover professional boundaries, confidentiality and duty to warn/protect cases, as well as emerging ethical issues concerning electronic health records, interstate licensing requirements, social media, virtual therapy in a virtual world and legislative updates. Dr. Anderson will review major ethical issues in mental health practice and will lead case discussion including cases from participants. Focus will start with ethical principles, methods for resolution of ethical dilemmas, and then will move to informed consent and to emerging issues in ethics for mental health providers.
Session 6: 9:00 am-12:15 pm
Introduction; Analyzing and resolving ethical issues; Ethical principles of psychologists (and others) and code of conduct; Informed consent; Special roles of mental health professionals; Cases for discussion.
Session 7: 1:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Professional boundaries; Knowing your limits; Confidentiality and duty to warn; Licensure board and sanctions; Emerging issues; Electronic records, interstate licensing, new communication technologies, and legislative update; APA suggestions to avoid ethical problems; Cases for discussion from audience.
Participants will be able to:
- Review ethical issues including ethical principles, methods for resolution, informed consent and virtual therapy issues.
- Describe ethical issues in professional boundaries, confidentiality, and duty to warn/ protect cases.
- Discuss emerging ethical issues concerning electronic records, interstate licensing requirements, social media, and legislative updates
- Discuss ethics cases from participants
Carlyle H. Chan, MD
Institute Director
Russell Barkley, PhD
Francis G. Lu, MD, DLFAPA
Donald Meichenbaum, PhD
David Katzelnick, MD
Ronald Diamond, MD
Fred Heide, PhD
Rebecca Anderson, PhD
Accreditation Statement:
The Medical College of Wisconsin is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for
Designation of Credit Statement:
The Medical College of Wisconsin designates this live activity for a maximum of 19.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit
commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Hours of Participation for Allied Health Professionals:
The Medical College of Wisconsin designates this activity for up to 19.5 hours of participation for continuing education for allied health professionals.
Psychology CE Credit Statement:
The Medical College of Wisconsin is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Medical College of Wisconsin maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
This activity contains content or processes that may be potentially stressful.
NASW Accreditation Statement:
This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886840778-6975) for 18.5 continuing education contact hours.
Available Credit
- 18.50 NASW
If you do not already have an EthosCE account, select Create Account in the upper righthand corner and enter all of the required information.
You will need to access this account again to complete a course evaluation and print your CE certificate, so please make a note of your username and password.
The deadline for claiming credit is December 31, 2021, after which you will not be able to obtain your credits.