Session 6: Clinical Informatics


This course will provide an overview of clinical informatics and how it's used in healthcare to improve patient-care.

Target Audience

  • Physicians
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physician Assistants
  • Pharmacists
  • Genetic Counselors
  • Other clinicians

Learning Objectives

Participants who engage in this education intervention will be able to:

  • Define clinical informatics.
  • Identify major biomedical data types and common standards.
  • Evaluate common functions of electronic health record (HER) systems.
  • Examine clinical decision support systems.


Additional information
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
    AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
  • 1.50 Genetic Counselor CEU
  • 1.50 Hours of Participation
    Hours of Participation credit.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


This module is presented with a pre-recorded PowerPoint presentation and sound.  An audio lecture is given using visual key points listed on the PowerPoint presentation.  Following the presentation, learners will be asked quiz questions to test retainment of knowledged gained in the presentation. Learners are able to complete the module at their own pace.


Jake Luo, PhD, is Associate Professor of Health Care Informatics Graduate Program Director, the in the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Health Informatics & Administration Department. He earned his PhD at Queen’s University in the UK and was a post-doc scientist in biomedical informatics at Columbia University in NY. Jake Luo’s research interest lies in data-driven predictive analysis using machine learning-based algorithms and technologies, such as data mining, natural language processing and knowledge representation and modelling. He is interested in investigating how these computing technologies can be used to improve health care by providing intelligent decision support for clinicians, medical researchers, patients, and policymakers.
Luo’s active research programs involve developing innovative heath data science technologies for knowledge discovery, adapting machine learning algorithms to enhance clinical data processing, implementing collaborative team science initiatives to improve health services and research, and creating intelligent clinical informatics tools to support evidence-based decision making.

Activity Director

John Meurer, MD, MBA


Planning Committee:

John Meurer, MD, MBA

Institute Director, Professor
Administration, Institute for Health & Equity


Bradley Stockard, PharmD
Assistant Professor
Administration, School of Pharmacy Administration


Jennifer Geurts, MS, CGC
Director, Assistant Professor
Administration, Institute for Health and Equity


In accordance with the ACCME® Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, Standard 3, all in control of content must disclose any relevant financial relationships. The following in control of content had no relevant financial relationships to disclose.


  • Bradley Stockard
  • Donald Basel
  • Gwen Lomberk
  • Jake Luo
  • Jennifer Geurts
  • Jeremy Garrett
  • John Meurer
  • Michael Zimmerman

The following persons in control of content disclosed the following financial relationships which were reviewed via the MCW conflict of interest mitigation process and addressed.





Honey Reddi, PhD

Belay Diagnostics

Biofidelity, Inc.



Ben George, MD

Ipsen, Foundation Medicine,

Taiho Oncology




Available Credit

  • 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
    AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
  • 1.50 Genetic Counselor CEU
  • 1.50 Hours of Participation
    Hours of Participation credit.

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